Grist Mill, Wayside Inn is one of the most photographed areas in the entire State of Massachusetts and its right on my door step. You can’t drive past on a Saturday afternoon without seeing at least one bridal party or a coach load of tourists, with cameras out and enjoying the beautiful surroundings.
Although, I took this picture on a quieter day...!
It was only to be expected when the Bryant family chose the Grist Mill to have their Fall family photos done on a Saturday afternoon in early October, the place was teaming with people.
Bryant Family Grist Mill Sudbury
It was an overcast afternoon which is actually often the best type of lighting to have photos taken because the light is soft and even. As it was so busy, we had to choose our moments to get the shots we wanted.
The Bryant Family are from Boston and their twin boys, Jackson and Shane are such fun. My son, Oliver was helping me on this shoot. He's a little comedian and entertainer so I brought him along and asked him to get the boys looking at him while he did a funny dance... He did a great job and helped me capture these two little cheeky personalities...
Bryant Family Photos Sudbury
The boys bounce of each other, I guess like most twins do but these little dudes are teasing each other one minute and then on a turn of a dime, they are giggling and hugging each other. Its fun to watch...
This was my personal favorite from the day. It makes me smile every time I look at this photo
Courtney and Keith are great together and so easy going. Keith has so many interesting stories to tell and Courtney also enjoys photography so we had a great afternoon and a lot of fun. They also chose their colors so well too.
Keith is a lot of fun and he was very comfortable in front of a camera so I took the opportunity to try a couple of different shots and landed on this one.
Grist Mill, Sudbury
The Grist Mill at Wayside Inn, Sudbury is a great place to have your family photos. There are so many great compositions to try out, which is why so many photographers like it. I'm very fortunate to practically have it on my doorstep.
The Bryant Twins
Its been a busy period for family photos but I still have a couple of weekend dates available so please get in touch to schedule your family photo session in the most colorful season in New England and have your favorite made in to this years Holiday card!