Does Size Matter?

Do you have a special memory or moments captured on camera, that touches your heart every time you look?   

Just like you, we have memories printed and framed around our home but most of them are either printed as a 5 x 7 or at best a 10 x 8.   If you've ever wondered what your memories might look like if they were made larger, you may find the demonstration below, interesting. 

In these examples, my camera was set approximately 10 feet away to demonstrate the difference between me holding a 5 x 7 framed print standing next to a 20 x 30 framed print. 

I then stood with a 10 x 20 frame and took another photo. As you can see, the difference even between the 5 x 7 and 10 x 20 is quite striking! 

Stuart Beeby Photography -1.jpg
Stuart Beeby Photography -2.jpg

"Her reaction upon opening it on Mothers Day was special"

On Mothers Day this year, I surprised my wife, Wendy with a 12 x 12 Custom Leather Book, which contained over 50 special moments of her and our son, Oliver from the last 10 years. I even included moments she'd never seen before and it was quite emotional for me designing the book... Her reaction upon opening it on Mothers Day was special!

There were three images in the book, which we kept coming back to. We loved them so much, that we wanted to enjoy them every day. So we've decided to have larger versions made.. 

To help us work out the best combination for our space,  I used my studio application to super impose the images in the frame style we liked on the wall we wanted to decorate. The image below is what we designed with the app.  This is the super imposed version... (They haven't been hung yet because we're still decorating)!

Stuart Beeby Photography wall display-1.jpg

We really wanted to make a statement in our newly decorated lounge so this combination of plain white frames to match the window frames, contrasting the deep blue wall paint, really worked for what we wanted.

We took delivery of them last week and we can't wait to hang them!

If you'd like to revisit any moments I've captured for you and wish to and discuss framing options, please complete the short form below or reach out by phone: 978 261 5661